I am super happy! Life could not be better. Mike and I are getting along GREAT!!! The kids are doing really well. And to top it off....my house is coming along wonderfully...though if you look at the bathroom off the kitchen you would never believe it..LOL.
Ren is getting so big. She is 13.5 months old now. Time sure flies. As exciting as watching her grow is, it is also very sad :( my baby is getting so big. Mommy is not really of any use except for when she wants to nurse. She comes over to me and tries to lift my shirt and says booboo. It is cute but also pathetic...LOL. She started walking this last month and is all over the place though these last few days she has been walking all disoriented almost drunk like. She is such a silly little girl. We have a shape sorter and she loves to play with it. She picks up a piece and I turn it to the right hole and we put the piece in...we have to clap between every piece cause it is an exciting accomplishment. When my grandma comes downstairs to the living room Ren always has to look for something to give her. As she hands it to her she says "Thank You" and continues to find things to give Great Grandma. It is so cute. There are different things that G gma has taught her that she copies everytime she sees here...she is so stinkin smart. For her age I think she talks alot. She has an excellent way of getting her point across and letting you know what she wants by using her words.
Brandon is 5 yrs old and in some aspects he is so smart, in others you can tell he just does NOT get it. Things do not connect with him no matter how many times you tell him things. He can be exhausting on his own somedays then add 5 more kids to the mix and by the end of the night your spent. We put him back in preschool as we felt it was the best thing for him. They also agreed when we had him tested. He just was not ready for Kindergarden...but he is a boy born mid Aug so it's better to be safe than set him up for failure. Well when it comes to hot wheels and air planes he is all boy. When it comes to wrestling...not a chance he is a total girl. We try to toughin him up with the fact there he has 5 sisters in the house, but it just does not seem to work. He loves to play with his friends David and Ethan and he def needs the boy time.
Tori she brings a smile to my face, but she sure loves to pick on Brandon and now she is starting to pick on Ren. If you call her one it she gets very upset and says she is NOT picking on anyone. She has always been my baby girl and was always my cuddler so I think she is feeling left out with a new baby in the house. When Brandon was the new baby she loved him and he was HER brother and everyone else had to leave him alone....as he got older she decided to torture him and now she is a pill to Ren too. I try to make sure she gets cuddle time, but sometimes it is hard to do. She is a VERY smart little girl. But she sees things black and white...there is NO grey area for her which makes somethings very difficult for her. Learning these issues makes dealing with her much easier.
Amber one of my lovely 9 yr olds! She is such a fiesty lively spirit. She is in the 4th grade this yr and doing so well. She is playing the violin...not my first choice in an instument, but...it will have to do. Her violin teacher said she would not teach her how to use the bow until she could hold it correctly. She is going to counciling and working hard on trying to figure out why she does not handle situations properly...I think the fact that her mom is a screw up and continually messes with her head would be a good reason, but...that is another blog in itself. Amber is really good at soccer and will play agaian this winter if I am able to get her on a league. It seems to be her "passion".
Monet...my mini me...she looks more and more like me all the time. She is so quiet you almost forget she is around. The only time she is loud is when someone else is messing with her otherwise...she is almost a perfect child..obviously there is no such thing and this girl woulda made a perfect only child so a house with 6 must drive her insain. Monet finally started guitar lessons and LOVEs them. She will be doubling up and taking lessons on Wed and Thu. We may have a prodigy on our hands...LOL. Monet is also very good in school. She is so smart. She loves to be by herself. You usually find her off reading or playing a game alone.
Breanna is a 6th grader at Rapid City Christian....she makes me so proud. I am also glad that we are able to give her the education that RCC has to offer. She is very involved in school and that too makes me happy! She is currently playing Vball and will go straight into Bball. She is quite the athlete! She tries very hard in school to do well and maintain. She is a strong roll model and someone I am very proud to call my daughter. She is so unique...LOL...not at all into the stuff I am and it is very odd cause we DO NOT agree on her many thigns like clothes etc...She is a very good big sister too! I suppose it is hard to be around 5 younger siblings all the time and try to stay sain.
My hubby and I seem to have been having a rough patch...I think we are at the end of that...we have been getting along really well and I have been "Trying" to maintain my anger as that is my big fault and I am very quick to anger. Mike is an amazing husband and father...yes he has his areas and his issues, but still I could NOT ask for a better man.
Sitting back thinking about my life forces me to smile...I am truely blessed and happy!