Monday, March 14, 2011

Hmmm...I am not sure what day I am I will pick 8

I am not 100% sure where I left off so I am starting with Day 8 because I didn't do anything past day 8.  Tonight I am tired and worn out from a wk with a sick baby so I didn't get any further ahead, but I also didn't really fall behind.

 Here are the pics that I promised the other day that wouldn't come out!  Enjoy my clean bathroom like I do...except a finished bath would be nice :)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 5 Swish and Swipe

I know the run down of how I am coming on my house is not everyone's ideal of a "good read", but this is helping me stay accountable to myself and it is keeping me on track to a cleaner more organized house.  Though I am adapting flylady to my needs it is working rather well for me.

I took her Swish and Swipe and turned it into my version of "Shine the Sink".  I did a very through cleaning in my bathroom (well the best I could givin it is under construction).

Well I tried to add pics, but it decided not to let me...Sorry :( 

Now I have a clean living room, entry way, bathroom, dining room and kitchen....they all need some help, but they are definately looking better!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 3 Mission House Clean/ Day 4

Well I didn't do anything but keep doing what I had already done for day 3.  It was the day we chose to celebrate Mo's birthday.  We did a tie-dye birthday party and we had alot of fun!!  14 kids doing t-shirts what more could you ask for :).  Really though it went very well and they had a blast!

So Day 4 was more or less just orgainizing in the kitchen.  I went and bought more "organization" items.  I am super excited to say I think (if my plan works out) that I am gonna paint my kitchen...I am really excited about this.  This will probably not be until we can open the windows in the house while painting.  My entry is getting clogged up with the kids stuff again, need to have them fix that.  Also my kitchen is staying clean as is my living room.  I did laundry today and my table shows it.  I would have had it all done, but I was interupted due to my husbands work.  I am super excited to say this seems to be working for me.  YAY!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 2 of my 31 Days DONE!

Day 2 of Babysteps...Flylady says "Get dressed all the way up to lace up shoes".  Some might say this is rather odd, but I find it to actually be a good thing.  I do this everyday anyways.  That way you are always ready and presentable and not in your pj's house coat and you can't "answer" the door when the UPS guy shows up.  She suggests putting on your make-up because the better you look the better you feel even if NO ONE is gonna see you...I cannot say make-up did any more for me than not wearing make-up though....I always seem to wear it on Saturdays.

My Living Room has looked ok for several days now minus my entertainment center....but we are in the middle of a bathroom make-over and tooth brushes and all the likes are on the entertainment center for the time  Though I am happy with the way the room looks overall.

So My Beautiful 10 yr old is having her Birthday Party tomorrow....and I did what I normally do...and that is find a box or boxes that will hold all my junk...and PACK.  I didn't want to do it that way, but my dining room is my "hotspot" according to Flylady...more so my dining room table than anything.  I figure I got these rooms the family NEEDS to help keep them that way.  There is NO reason for them to get messy again.  Even though it was a "Rush" job and I now have boxes to go through at least it is clean and I don't mind having a Birthday Party at MY house.  The Dining Room has some room for improvement, but I am happy with it.

Oh don't mind the has the "needed" items for the party already sitting on it...and clothes I cannot put away because the owner of them is already sleeping.  Once again I am feeling very accomplished.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Shine the Sink

OK so I have done my Day 1.  Though it was a rough morning getting it just right it is finally done.  I shoulda taken a before, but I didn't.  No one woulda wanted to see it anyways...or maybe it is I wouldn't have wanted to show it?!?!  Probably the later, but you get my point.

I didn't think shining the sink would make me feel accomplished, but all in all it really does.  I feel like I did something....I also did a 15 minute power clean and managed to get my entryway done :)  I also enlisted Breanna's help and bagged all the laundry (we sorted it as we went).  So I also have a clean basement floor too.  I really feel like I did something today.  I almost feel like patting my own back.

Aside from needing a Kitchen remodel to get out of the 70's I am pretty proud of how my kitchen looks!  Thanks Katie and Thanks Fly Lady.

Oh and we cannot forget my awesome 15 min power clean in the entryway (ok so it took 20 min)

31 Days to Regain Control of MY House

I am so tired of never feeling like there are enough hrs in a day to accomplish all the things I need to get done.  I am always somewhere but NEVER anywhere.  This role in my life is driving me crazy.  I look at the house and it is total Chaos (Can't have anyone over syndrome).  I am tired of it.  I want to host game night at my house, I want to invite friends over for dinner, I want to have back yard bbq's....I have a whole list of wants....and they all revolve around a clean house.  My house did not get messy overnight and it most certainly is not gonna get clean in one day.  I need to do this in steps so can change my habits and patterns in my daily life. 

I have decided that I am gonna  conquer it a little at a as flylady suggests I am gonna shine my sink.  I am gonna get all those dishes done and I am gonna scrub my sink clean.  After my sink is clean I am done for the day (ok I have laundry) but I am truely gonna follow flylady's suggestions to getting in my life in order 1 day at a time and NOT allowing it to overwhelm me.

BabySteps to a cleaner home!
Day 1 Shine your sink!!!  That is exactly what I plan to do.  This is supposed to be a reflection that I love myself.  I haven't figured it out yet as I HATE doing dishes, but hey what can it hurt right.

Well here goes day 1 jumpin in head first!  Wish me luck!!!