Monday, December 6, 2010

Where does the time go?

I am sitting here and I realize it is already Dec 6, 2010.  Where did the last yr go?  My baby is no longer a baby and my oldest is almost a teen.  Mo and Amber will be hitting double digits in this next yr....and Brandon will offically go off to Kindergarden.  I am NOT ready for this...I don't want them to keep getting bigger.  I do NOT want baby to keep growing...though I am not totally impressed with her demanding little self right now...LOL

I feel like everytime I turn around my house looks like a tornado hit it...and well technically 6 of them did, but I would love a break.  Today for the first time in a LONG time I got all my laundry done!  I am so proud of myself!  Well I do have to give credit to my mom.  She did laundry all day yesterday.  To think 2 full days of laundry and at 10:24 pm I finally get to put the last load into the dryer....though I have almost a full load since the kids put their pjs on, but not enough like colors for me to wash.  I think I am actually thankful though...LOL.

I suppose life in our house would be a little easier if we were not living out of boxes (bathroom stuff) due to the remodel. I am so super excited to see the finished product, but it seems to be taking forever....waiting on the electical inspector....he comes Thursday finally...YAY!

So this anger issue of mine....(seems to mainly be at Mike)yeah it's back...and I hate it.  He seems to know how to hit every single button then goes back for a second time.  Why?  It is like he does it on brother noticed it several diff times and even called him out on it.  UGH!

Well Christmas is approaching very I do not have the tree up yet.  My plan is to put it up Thursday and have it up when the kids get home from school.  I do not know if I can complete that task, but that is the plan.  Then when the kids come home they can decorate it.  Oh sounds so fun!  When ever am I gonna find time to shop?  When are we gonna find time to take the kids shopping so they can do the Angel Tree?  There just never seems to be enough time.

I cannot wait until December 17th.  Bre and Brandon will be out of school for 2 whole wks.  I wish they all were, but gotta love the public school system (NOT).

Well I suppose this blog got boring fast....LOL

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