Wednesday, August 15, 2012


It has been forever since I have taken time to blog....I guess you could say that life has been a little on the "WILD" side or in most cases hectic.

Having 6 kids needs a plan.  I am NOT good at planning.  I am more of a wing it type of girl.  I am also finding out this is NOT working for me.  I need to do something different.  As our kids get older life gets a little more crazy and seems to spin a little more out of control.

There are several things I would like to do to make this journey a little less chaotic and a little more fun.  So every few days I am hoping to update with how my journey is going.....

I have decided that I am on a mission.  A mission to get things organized and under control.  I call this "OPERATION ORGANIZATION"!  This has been a LONG time coming and I am still not exactly sure how this is going to happen.  Right now I am gonna take it 1 day, 1 room at a time and see what happens.  

Right now my entryway in shambles at the moment and everything is in my living room.  That does make this project a little more difficult as I would like to start at the front of my house and work my way to the back, but...since that is NOT an option I am starting in my sons room.  The goal is to completely empty out his room and go from there.  So far all of his toys have made it into a box.  I am clearing it out and making room (funny huh) for OPERATION ORGANIZATION.  

Yeah me and organized never seemed to have gotten along in the past. Wish me luck!  I wasn't smart enough to take before pics of my sons room, but with any luck I will take after and post them...Hoping this all works out.

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